Donna Cameron

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What can a Personal Style Specialist do for you??

While a stylist puts the clothing front and centre, a Personal Style Specialist focuses on the person. I get to know a client’s values, motivations, preferences, goals and lifestyle before recommending anything. There’s no point in something looking good on you if you don’t relate to it.

I want you to love what you wear and to feel great in it. Otherwise it will join the other discarded clothes in your wardrobe. I want you to recognise an incredible version of you when you look in the mirror! So what can a Personal Style Specialist do for you?

  • Simplify choosing clothes so you don’t waste money

  • Show you how to co-ordinate colours

  • Prepare you for a new job (outfits and interview skills)

  • Demonstrate how to highlight what you love in your body, taking attention off other bits

  • Advise you on choosing glasses

  • Introduce you to new styles to rekindle your passion

  • Shop for you, or do the groundwork on buying tricky things like swimwear

  • Help cull your wardrobe

  • Show you how to upcycle clothes you’re not wearing

  • Prepare you for a significant event

  • Give you confidence and encouragement

  • Help you settle into a new phase in your life

  • Get you feeling good in your skin again, and so much more! 

See here for more benefits: