Online Shopping experience


If you’re time poor, mobility impaired or just don’t like getting to shops to source your own wardrobe pieces, I can help with that by presenting you options online. In many cases I will have already seen the items I recommend.

Once you have booked, we will liaise to find out exactly what you’re looking for before I begin. Then you can choose between us talking through (online) some options that I source for you or I can give you access to your own personal shopping board (like a mood board that you can purchase directly from) or it can be a combination of the two.

Book below immediately or read on for more about this offer. (Please note, the duration listed is not the finished presentation length but the time I allocate to your work)

I offer in-person shopping as well, where we meet and shop together.

ONLINE Retail therapy!

Tempting, isn’t it?! Especially if you’re housebound and bored. A few taps, a little data entry, and bingo! You have yourself a dress (again)!

But before you go on another fast fashion spending frenzy, pause a moment…

Not everything is easy to buy online (tailored pants and jackets, for example) and you surely don’t want to add to the ever increasing mountain of discarded clothing going into landfill.

There’s lots to consider in getting it right:

  • colour

  • fabric, which impacts fit and feel

  • which style suits your body shape

  • what goes with what

  • whether it suits your needs

  • ethics and sustainability

I can advise you on all of this to ensure your next online purchase is fit for purpose.


So how does this work?

You book in, complete a few questions about your requirements, and I’ll source several options for you based on your priorities, body shape and how you’ll wear the piece.

Then I’ll organise a presentation of me talking to you about what I’ve sourced. I’ll take you through the options and provide you with links where you can purchase the piece immediately. It’ll be like I’m sitting beside you as you look online!

Whether you then decide to purchase any of the options I source is entirely up to you. But if you do, you will be assured you’re engaging in well considered retail therapy, and not an expensive mistake or another generous contribution to landfill!

If you’d like to go it alone, I can send you my booklet outlining the seven most fundamental things to consider when choosing clothing.