Gift Certificates
Gifting an experience is such a lovely alternative to giving a person more ‘stuff’; especially now that most of us in Australia have more stuff than we need and that excess landfill is becoming a problem worldwide.
Experiences mean more to us than physical stuff for lots of reasons - because they’re more personal, evoke deeper emotions, engage our senses and can offer us knowledge we can apply into the future - this makes experiences more memorable and indeed the ultimate gift that keeps on giving!
If we’re really busy it can be difficult to justify spending a few hours focusing simply on ourselves, our future dreams, our wellbeing and our unique style. So think how special a gift of this nature would be…
Every session is highly personalised. My style is informal, warm and attentive. I’m a good listener.
You can request a Gift Certificate of this nature for yourself (drop a hint when it’s your birthday!) or order one for a special person in your life by emailing me what value you’d like:
Choose from $50, $100, $200 or whatever you like to secure a Colour Analysis, Style Direction, Wardrobe Freshen, Personal Shopping buddy or even an entire Style Adventure for your special person.
Your Gift Certificate will look something like this