A Guide to Ethical Fashion

Important reading, ethical fashionista!

While it’s easy to keep buying the cheap fast fashion that’s on offer everywhere - or even if you have begun to think about how producing more clothing than the world has ever seen before is impacting the environment - how about considering the people who make your clothes? What are their daily lives like? Generally pretty awful, is the answer. But how would you know?

Well now we can benefit from the work of people who have looked into this for us. The sixth Ethical Fashion Report, released this week by Baptist World Aid, has rated Australian companies alongside international ones based on how well they are addressing child labour, forced labour and worker exploitation in the production of their clothes. The ratings are based on no less than 44 specific criteria

I’d like to think that none of us these days would condone slavery. It’s easy to to imagine slavery is a thing of the past; it’s not. The fashion industry is responsible for some of the worst cases of forced labour this century. But thanks to work like that of Baptist World Aid and their Ethical Fashion Report, there is now no excuse for supporting fashion companies not treating the people who make your clothes with dignity and respect.

Download the guide, check out the app, and begin buying only from those who make positive steps to manufacture without child labour, forced labour and exploitation.