Copenhagen clothes
Following on from the previous post, I’m thrilled to be able to say I found the slippers I was looking for! They do look ominously like the old ‘happy shoes’ I wore in my late twenties in which I turned my ankle resulting in three fractures and 11 pieces of metal being implanted into my leg, but I’m trying to ignore that. - yikes! Having some lightweight indoor footwear has made me very happy indeed. They cost me $10 from a small supermarket in central Copenhagen. Singapore airlines: you could have done this for us! Providing paper slippers that don’t serve the purpose is simply adding to landfill and makes your passengers very unhappy!
My indoor slipper / shoes are pictured here worn with my olive lounge pants that I use just for that purpose; I don’t go out in these. 😉
So what else do I have in my European travel wardrobe? See below:
On the first day I arrived I hit the streets for a few hours to take advantage of the daylight and stretch the legs. I wore the outfit below. It served me really well until I visited the Botanical Gardens and entered the palm conservatory which was SUPER humid and hot, but I soon cooled down under the shade of a tree.
ps: because I have automatically erased the background of my outfit photos, sometimes the cropping is a bit distorted around my feet, as it is here.
The following day I felt like more walking as there’s fabulous things to explore all around town. Because I was feeling a little jet-lagged I wanted to blend into the crowd so it was a simple comfortable and neutral outfit I reached for. It was perfect for the warm weather, worn with my hat. Here it is:
In the evening I visited Tivoli Gardens - wow, what a place! It’s officially an amusement park, but it was established in the nineteenth century so it’s incredibly pretty with proper restaurants within, as the name suggests, gardens. I really wasn’t sure what to expect, and rides are not my thing, but I absolutely loved it. Here is what I wore that evening:
The magical Tivoli Gardens
The next day was a travel day. I left Copenhagen central by train to meet my friend after work. We travelled for some hours by car to their house in the country side. The weather was warm so it was a t-shirt and a lightweight bomber jacket paired with my heavier items: jeans and boots.
Thankfully to this point I have felt completely happy with my travel wardrobe; not bored and not running out of options. The next post will outline what I wore in the countryside.